A significant part of the Asian continent practice Traditional Chinese Medicine or TCM, which they inherited from mainland China as one of the oldest forms of indigenous medical practice. After Western medicine, TCM is the second most used medical system around the world. This form of medical system combines the use of therapeutic exercises, acupuncture and medicinal herbs.
Upon close examination, one would realize that Chinese and western medical systems are based on distinct principles and are thus incomparable. Both types of medicine vary in the way they diagnose and treat illnesses. For instance, in the treatment of Hepatitis C, the goal of western medicine is to destroy the main disease agent – the virus.
If you look closely, you will see that Chinese treatments have little to do with eliminating viruses. TCM’s definition of cure centers on the body’s return to normal functioning and that is done by clearing away body toxins, regulating blood and energy circulation and strengthening the body. Chinese medical systems enable a person to overcome any negative effect resulting from viruses.
Traditional methods of healing puts high priority to efficient liver function as this has great impact to the rest of the body. It is believed to be responsible for the flow of Qi (energy) throughout the body, and so, even for those without liver disease, liver health is still given vital importance by TCM practitioners. Hepatitis C is a disease that has adverse effects to the functioning of the liver causing issues in energy circulation, among others.
Many people afflicted with Hepatitis C virus turn to traditional Chinese medicine. TCM has a proven track experience of handling hepatitis patients. Hepatitis B and C are prevalent in China and the TCM system has been devoted to solving these health problems for many years.
Based on TCM literature, many people in China have been affected with different syndromes related to viral hepatitis for the past 2000 years. Ancient Chinese doctors seek evidence related to viral infections that can help in finding a cure for a patient. Chinese medicine has provided potent and risk-free solutions for curing various kinds of illnesses.
Chinese medicine recognizes the peculiarities of each individual's past and present health condition. Curing practices supported by TCM work up as the patient progresses. This allows the transition to recovery to be fairly streamlined and suited to an individual's lifestyle and physique.
Diseases from Hepatitis B or C viruses are often the result of an aggregation of symptoms and signs of physical burden. Chinese practices employ a unique system of identifying the gravity of a disease like hepatitis. Chinese doctors may diagnose illnesses differently but they also take into consideration the results of diagnosis made using western techniques.
In essence, TCM adopts the notion that virus, bacteria and similar elements naturally exist, which should be addressed once proven harmful to the body. The healing property of herbal extracts are well accepted in traditional medical systems. Western medicine, when supplemented with alternative medicinal practices may prove beneficial in two ways: by getting rid of the virus and fortifying the body to ward off further diseases.
Hepatitis C is not a deadly condition. Total eradication of the hepatitis virus is not possible, but what can be assured is the continuous recuperation of the body from the adverse effects of the virus. Maintaining a sound mind and healthy body is possible with proper diet, exercise and positive lifestyle choices. You can try alternative medicine for treating Hepatitis C. Click me to know more.